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Mining Safety – The Best Practices & Latest Innovations

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Working in underground mines can be dangerous, particularly if health and safety risks are ignored. In recent years, the mining industry has made significant strides with technology and workplace innovations, creating significantly safer work environments for mining employees.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways ‘mining safety best practices’ is positively impacting the industry at the moment. 



Simulators are now being used by mining employers as an innovative safety tool for ‘on the job’ training. The idea is to target new miners coming into the industry, allowing them to engage and learn through an interactive virtual environment – eliminating exposure to a physical mining scenario.  Not only is it highly engaging and practical, it provides workers with a ‘real life’ simulation of what to expect in a standard shift on a mining site; whilst simultaneously highlighting any strengths and weaknesses in their skillset prior to commencing real life training.



There are many areas underground that are not considered safe for mining workers to enter. When you think of how deep and dark some of these mining sites are, drones provide a safe and effective method for collecting data with minimal risk or injury to mining staff. These days, drones are capable of taking photos and capturing important information without risking human safety to do it. Implementing drone safety technology is a smart move by the industry. Safety in mining should and always be number one priority.


Wearable Devices

Wearable devices have come a long way in the mining field, providing additional safety protection for miners.
These items are able to detect changes in environmental conditions including temperature changes; air quality, fatigue levels, as well as alerting workers of potentially risky situations around them. This is a highly effective way of minimising accidents in the workplace and ensuring best safety practices are implemented as a daily mining requirement.


Automated Technology

Technology is moving at fast speeds - with the mining industry being one of the first recipients to use robotic and automated machinery to improve efficiencies. Some of the advanced equipment used in the mining field includes robotic haulage machines, self-driving trucks (no humans driving it) and various other human controlled devices. These capital saving solutions are a great way to keep workers safe while removing them from extremely dangerous environments.


RFID Systems

Tracking assets and movement underground can now be done in real time with RFID tags. This allows workers to be tracked and monitored to ensure safety during any given mining shift. Wearables that have RFID technology can also alert workers, warning of potentially dangerous conditions ahead - this helps prevent any risk of accidents to mining staff and optimises safety practices for everyone involved. 


MCIT provides independent ground support quality control and quality assurance solutions for the mining industry. With a strong focus on quality data and ongoing research and development, our company aims to improve safety standards and the various industry options available.

We have decades of experience in design, testing and installation of ground support.


If you ‘re looking for tailored safety solutions on your mining site, plesse call MCIT today on 0427 088 020 to discuss your requirements.